Online Consultations
Yoga Classes

Book an appointment from the comfort of your home, from any part of the world and get on an online Ayurvedic consultation.

Practitioner Neeru Sanghi is an Ayurvedic Doctor/ Panchkarma Specialist and / Yoga Instructor from India

Dr, Neeru Sanghi completed Bachelors in Ayurveda Medicines and Surgery (BAMS) from Sri Krishna Govt. Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra (Haryana). She has been practicing for past 15 + years now.

She also has experience in Kerala Panchakarma treatment and has done PG Diploma in Yoga Science. Along with her Ayurved Practise, She teaches Yog also.

She does online consultations from across the world. Teaches Online Yoga based on individual body types and Provides useful information on Panchakarma as well that can be applied in our daily life.

She is well known for her ability to patiently listen to the problem and to give a proper follow-up treatments

Languages Spoken

Personal Interests
Applying Ayurveda in day to day life
Yoga and Panchakarma

You can consult Online from anywhere in the World. Online consultation/Yoga Classes/Panchakarma Events

  •  2/8/2023 08:00 PM - 6/15/2023 12:06 PM
  • Online Event

Trataka : Is to gaze Candle/Diya steadily. This Strengthens Eye Muscles and purifies the eyes. This can be practiced as part of your daily routines.

  •  1/2/2023 08:00 PM - 6/30/2023 12:02 PM
  • Online Event

ONLINE AYURVED Classes Those who are interested to "LEARN AYURVED" in order to Understand the Healthy Way of Living & Treating Oneself. Please contact at below number or DM me. +91 7799148059

About Ayurveda – What is Ayurvedic Medicine?

Ayurveda is the traditional medicine of India and the oldest system of healthcare in the world. A system of both preventative and curative medicine, it has been practiced for at least 5,000 years and perhaps as long as 10,000 years. Fundamental to Ayurveda is the understanding that each person is unique and as a result, each person’s path toward optimal health is unique. As Dr. Halpern says, “Nothing is right for everyone, everything is right for someone. Ayurveda is a path of what is right for you.” Ayurveda helps individuals to know what types of foods, sounds, smells, and other stimuli will create a state of balance and harmony in their unique body and mind. When the body and mind are in harmony, normal physiology is restored and healing takes place.

Ayurveda defines physiology in terms of three forces called doshas. The three doshas are vata, pitta and kapha. Vata governs the physiology of motion in the body. Pitta governs the physiology of metabolism. Kapha governs the physiology of structure. Each person has all three of these doshas within them. The balance of these three doshas at the moment of conception defines what Ayurveda calls one’s constitution, or “prakruti”. These doshas also fluctuate in accordance with how we live our lives and as they increase or decrease they cause different conditions in the body and mind. These imbalances are called “vikruti”. The goal of Ayurveda is to restore the proper balance of these physiological forces. This is accomplished by utilizing one’s senses properly and living a healthy lifestyle.

Herbal medicine also plays an important role in Ayurveda. In fact, Ayurveda is one of the most advanced herbal sciences in the world, utilizing different combinations of powerful medicinal plants depending on the unique constitution of the individual. Other tools often used by the Ayurvedic Practitioner include: Yoga, Meditation, Purification Programs (Panchakarma) and Lifestyle Counseling.

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